
Websites With Great Design

Websites With Great Design

You’ve come to right place if you’re looking for great designed websites. This article will show you examples of websites that are both beautiful and functional. These include Commerce Cream, Boosted and National Geographic’s Atlas of Moons. These examples illustrate how a website can be both attractive and functional, but still retain its brand identity. And in case you’re wondering how to make your own design website, here are some tips:

Boosted’s website

Boosted’s design-driven website showcases their expertise and skill in elevating brands’ prestige. Their homepage and “About” page are designed to validate their subtextual claims and display high-end projects in a way that reinforces their brand identity. The projects are elegant and luxurious and fit in with the overall theme of the designer. Boosted’s design-driven website is an excellent representation of the Advertising industry, which is highly competitive.

The website of Boosted features a unique layout with clear navigation and detailed product descriptions. The site also uses white backgrounds and gray tones to help viewers focus on the orange call-to-action buttons and the brightly colored skateboard. Boosted’s website design also has a blog that discusses the product’s benefits and flaws, allowing users to get a firsthand look at how it works.

National Geographic’s Atlas of Moons

National Geographic’s Atlas of Moons allows you to explore the moons of the solar system. Each moon can be explored with an interactive spinning globe. You can also learn more about its properties, as well as recent mapping information from space probes. You can also compare the sizes and orbits of the moons and learn about the Apollo missions which visited them. The Atlas of Moons contains a wealth of information that is well worth your time. These are just a few highlights from this fascinating site.

Detailed images of the moon’s surface are the main attraction of the book, which includes a selective index of named physical features. The book also includes detailed diagrams showing the moon’s orbit, rotation, and eclipses. The book also contains information about solar and lunar eclipses. It’s not just a guide to space, though: it’s an educational tool for students and scientists alike. It can be used to help students understand the formation of planets by showing how moons form.

Website of U.S. Bank NexBank

The NexBank website is easy to navigate and offers everything a new customer would need. It showcases its wide range services and features in a scroll system that makes all information easy to understand. The website also features the most popular products, which should make it easy for those new to banking. With the help of auxiliary menus, customers can see exactly what they can do to their money. The design is clean, easy to navigate, and it helps the site stand out from competitors.

Although U.S. Bank’s online banking design looks great, the homepage is not up to date with current standards. The bank invites online banking customers to preview the new website before it launches fully. The preview is visible at the upper-left of the current homepage. U.S. Bank should update its logo, colors and fonts to make it more modern.

Commerce Cream’s website

Commerce Cream’s website is a great place to start if you are looking for inspiration for e-commerce web design services. This website features the designs of many e-commerce websites. These designs are selected by a jury and not submitted randomly, as they are all created by agencies. You’re certain to find a design that grabs your attention because they have been pre-vetted.

Whether it’s the product image or the product description, Commerce Cream’s website has an excellent design. The homepage features a prominent CTA, while the main product is featured in a side lightbox, allowing you to either continue shopping or return to the previous page. The website has a well-organized mega menu and a clean design. It also uses neutral colors. If the product is visually appealing, users are more likely to buy it.